I hate to see you cry.
Lots to do. Lots of time.
“How are you?” My dumbest question.
A cough is a small earthquake.
What do you need from me?
Thank God, Thank God, Thank God.
No, No, No, No, No, No.
I’ll see you again so soon.
It will be over so soon.
I’ll hold you when it’s over.
Who, then, is my enemy now?
I hate to see you cry.
Greta Makena Gibson is a writer, film director, and artist based in Vancouver, Canada. They spend their time writing screenplays, poetry, and fairytales- or at least trying to while their cat sits on their laptop. You can find Greta on Twitter at @GretaMakGibson, or on their website at www.GretaMakenaGibson.com. Greta's first book of poetry "Everything I've Ever Felt, All At Once" was released this February.